Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matt. 18:3
As a suckling babe you are fully dependant upon your parent for security, protection, care and love. Until you marry you never truly experience that level of vulnerability again. When you marry you enter into the most intimate relationship created by God and there is no other adult relationship in which you are completely naked before another human being; fully vulnerable and open emotionally, physically and spiritually.
However, by the time you enter into the adult stage of life you have been stripped of the innocence of an open and vulnerable child and now you're an afraid, guarded and protective adult. Even as the natural order of life calls out to you and God says, it is not good for you to be alone. you respond with hesitation and fear. As God's desire for you to experience the innocence of the security, protection, care and love that comes from marriage, comes face to face with the realities of your tainted experience, you wonder, "How can I trust again?" How can you trust after you've been let down, disappointed, rejected, had promises broken, you've been lied to, you have trusted only to have your trust abused, you've lost a parent, a friend, a lover, you've been taught not be vulnerable, you've experienced or have witness physical, emotional or spiritual abuse?
Jesus, when speaking of the way to salvation, offers an amazing key to opening are ear to hearing the call of God. He says, except you are converted and become as little children, you can't inherit the kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Marriage ushers in the Kingdom of God. If we can only see marriage as the glorious model of that glorious day when the Bridegroom will be coming back for His bride. When we say "I do" we make a commitment not just in word, but in power. Power of the Kingdom. But, we must first be born again. We must be as newborn babes, desiring the sincere milk of the Word that we may grow by it. We must let him change us, feed us and cloth us in righteousness. Babes don't have a past. All they know is the voice of their parent. Listen to your Father... He's already said that it's not good for us to be alone, so go ahead and embrace your need for relationship. God has designed us this way. Marriage is God's idea. --Libby
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